«Seul ce que je connais et que j’aime peut me contenter.
Le reste non. Pub, marketing et fabulations à la Edward Bernays ont ruiné notre monde.» https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Bernays
Hier je notais ces mots en vue d’un prochain article.
Tout à l’heure, je visitais Zen Habits. Coïncidence trop cool, le message du 23 mai porte sur le contentement. Alors, je passe mon tour et je vous refile le lien…
Un guide complet sur l’apprentissage du contentement.
Une heure de lecture, et toute une vie de pratique : )
Minimaliste, clair, droit à l’essentiel.
PDF gratuit : http://zenhabits.net/archives/
Un article de l’auteur traduit/adapté :
The Little Book of Contentment
By Leo Babauta
‘He who is contented is rich.’ ~ Lao Tzu
One of the most important things I’ve learned in the last 7 years has been how to find contentment.
It’s been a long journey, but I’ve enjoyed it. I struggled with feeling bad about my body, feeling insecure about myself, doubting my abilities to make it without an employer, doubting myself as a writer, not believing I had discipline or the ability to change my habits.
And all this led to other problems: I sought happiness and pleasure in food, beer, shopping, distraction, TV. I procrastinated, I let my health get bad, I smoked, I was deeply in debt, unhappy with my work, never exercised, and ate lots of junk food.
Not a pretty picture. But if I’d never been in that place, I wouldn’t understand how to get out of it. And so I’m grateful I was there. I’ve learned a lot, about myself and about how to find happiness in who I am, what I have, who I’m with, what I do, and all that’s around me.
And now, I’d like to share that with you.
I’ve written a free book called The Little Book of Contentment: A guide to becoming happy with life & who you are, while getting things done. I share it with you today, in hopes that it will help a few of you, or maybe many, who struggle with being happy with yourselves and your lives. It’s a more common problem than you might imagine, and if I can help just a little, that would be amazing.
I hope you like the book.
Table of Contents
The Agreement
The Root of the Problem
The What & Why of Contentment
The Path of Contentment
Contentment Isn’t Doing Nothing
Comparing to What You Don’t Have
Watch Your Ideals & Expectations
Advertising & Fantasies
Build Trust
Love Yourself
Trying to Find Happiness in External Sources
Where Happiness Comes From
Finding Happiness Within
Our Reactions to the Actions of Others
Don’t Tie Your Self-Worth to Others’ Actions
Become Whole In a Relationship
Self-Happiness & Meeting Others
Jealousy of Others
Techniques for Self-Acceptance
Summary of Action Steps
The book is uncopyrighted.
Voyez un extrait de l'intro - message précédent.
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