All Live In Peace And Harmony
As the world goes spinning round
And everything seems upside down
There isn't any organisation any more
Is nothing everlasting, must we live for just today
Can no-one find the answer, to help in any way
It's just a mixture of joy and sorrow
Of laughter, and of tears
Do we just dream about tomorrow
And about the future years
But the world would be a better place to live in
If everybody just made up their minds
Then we could all live in peace and harmony again
Yes we should all live in peace, and harmony again
Why can't we all live in peace, and harmony again
We should all live in peace, and harmony
~ Vance Freeman
(1945 - ; Brighton Sussex)
The eyes dream
light into being
and give the sun its beauty,
for the sun is blind
and need our eyes
to see its rays.
A Random Thought
There seems to be
no unexpressed self
in animals,
as if they are
as fully themselves
in flesh
as possible,
with no slack
of consciousness
to fill up,
while we keep trying to grow
into something
~ Jane Roberts
If We Live Again
Or, Public Magic and Private Love
Poetry by Jane Roberts
Prentice-Hall; 1982
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