14 août 2012

Transformations géophysiques et atmosphériques

Des points de vue "éclairants"

Louis Fortier : l’homme et la banquise

L'océanographe s'intéresse aux conséquences du réchauffement climatique sur l'Arctique et, dans un langage clair, il décrit quels seront les effets de la fonte de la banquise. Louis Fortier n'est pas un adepte du catastrophisme : il ne prédit pas la fin du monde, mais d'importants bouleversements climatiques, sociologiques et géopolitiques. Ce millénaire, dit-il, sera celui des mouvements de population.

Retransmission de l’entretien à 21e 

Et, les données se recoupent :

Earth changes

Point de vue du scientifique Mitch Battros sur les transformations géophysiques et atmosphériques de la planète : http://www.earthchangesmedia.com (en anglais)

Extrait de l’offre d’abonnement au site :

[We are reducing our cost of the ECM news service due to current high-risk events. It has always been our mission to be a conduit to 'you'. Unlike any other news service, we get our information direct from top scientists in geo-physics (earth) solar-physics (space), honored elders from indigenous scared tribes, and front-line emergency management workers from FEMA, Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, and more.
       No one is more aware than ECM is regarding the delicate and needed responsibility of how best to disseminate current and coming events based strongly on highly credible scientific findings and recent discoveries, ancient text telling of prophecy and predictions which have a history of accuracy, and methods of emergency preparedness for both physical and mental stability.
       Upcoming articles may seem alarming - and there is the risk of setting off inherent defence triggers every human possess. It is the very necessary 'fight or flight' defence mechanism which is 'hard wired' for survival. However, it is this very human and compulsory reflex which can work against us. I can tell you most of the DSM IV diagnosed "stress and anxiety disorder" patient's I have personally work with, was directly related to "over-use" or "mis-use" of this very natural reaction to life. We all need to watch for - and avoid something called "disaster fatigue".
       Research has shown the mere act of being aware and knowledgeable of events and possibilities vastly reduce a person's vulnerability to stress, fear, anxiety, and bewilderment. If for no other reason - this tells of the importance to access the ECM news service. 
Solar Cycle 24 has begun - and it has been predicted by NASA, NOAA and ESA to be up to 50% stronger than its 'record breaking' predecessor Cycle 23 which produced the largest solar flare ever recorded. The Sun will reach its 'apex' (maximum) in late 2012 into 2013.

"I believe it will be the magnetic influence produced by the Sun which will usher in what is described by our ancient ancestors as "the transition" bringing the Earth and us to a new state-of-being". (Mitch Battros)

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