10 janvier 2011


En novembre dernier j’ai reçu un diaporama intitulé Nature-E … Après avoir essayé de retracer l’auteur/URL – en vain – je me suis permis d’extraire le texte (simple et qui dit tout) et certaines images du document Power Point...

Sais-tu qui je suis?
Je suis quelqu'un avec qui tu vis tous les jours
Quelqu'un qui veut le meilleur pour toi
Essentiel dans ta vie
Car sans moi tu ne pourrais vivre
Mais ...
Pour mon malheur

Tu ne m'accordes pas l'importance que je te donne
Pourquoi si je t'ai donné ces paysages
Emplis de couleurs et d'abondance
M'as-tu rendu cela?

Pourquoi alors que je t'ai donné de la compagnie...


Ne l'aimes-tu pas?

Ne la respectes-tu pas?
Pourquoi si je te donne la vie...
Me donnes-tu la mort?

Est-ce cela l'héritage que tu veux laisser à tes fils?
Fais quelque chose pour moi, pour toi et pour tous
Si ce n'est pas toi ... Qui le fera?
Si ce n'est pas maintenant ... Quand ?
Mère Nature

«La nature est une œuvre d’art, mais Dieu est le seul artiste qui existe, et l’homme n’est qu’un arrangeur de mauvais goût.»
~ George Sand

«C’est une triste chose de penser que la nature parle et que le genre humain n’écoute pas.»
~ Victor Hugo

«On ne commande à la nature qu’en lui obéissant.»
~ William Shakespeare

“After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, and so on – and have found that none of these finally satisfy, or permanently wear – what remains? Nature remains.”
~ Walt Whitman

“This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as I live it is my privilege - my *privilege* to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I love. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me; it is a sort of splendid torch which I've got a hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.”
~ George Bernard Shaw

“Nature knows no indecencies; man invents them.”
~ Mark Twain; Notebook

“It is strange and fine--Nature's lavish generosities to her creatures. At least to all of them except man. For those that fly she has provided a home that is nobly spacious--a home which is forty miles deep and envelopes the whole globe, and has not an obstruction in it. For those that swim she has provided a more than imperial domain--a domain which is miles deep and covers four-fifths of the globe. But as for man, she has cut him off with the mere odds and ends of the creation. She has given him the thin skin, the meager skin which is stretched over the remaining one-fifth--the naked bones stick up through it in most places. On the one-half of this domain he can raise snow, ice, sand, rocks, and nothing else. So the valuable part of his inheritance really consists of but a single fifth of the family estate; and out of it he has to grub hard to get enough to keep him alive and provide kings and soldiers and powder to extend the blessings of civilization with. Yet, man, in his simplicity and complacency and inability to cipher, thinks Nature regards him as the important member of the family--in fact, her favorite. Surely, it must occur to even his dull head, sometimes, that she has a curious way of showing it.”
~ Mark Twain; Following the Equator

“It is just like man's vanity and impertinence to call an animal dumb because it is dumb to his dull perceptions.”
~ Mark Twain; What is Man?

“Evolution is a blind giant who rolls a snowball down a hill. The ball is made of flakes--circumstances. They contribute to the mass without knowing it. They adhere without intention, and without foreseeing what is to result. When they see the result they marvel at the monster ball and wonder how the contriving of it came to be originally thought out and planned. Whereas there was no such planning, there was only a law: the ball once started, all the circumstances that happened to lie in its path would help to build it, in spite of themselves.”
~ Mark Twain; The Secret History of Eddypus

“...in one way or another all men are mad. Many are mad for money...Love is a madness...it can grow to a frenzy of despair ... All the whole list of desires, predilections, aversions, ambitions, passions, cares, griefs, regrets, remorses, are incipience madness, and ready to grow, spread and consume, when the occasion comes. There are no healthy minds, and nothing saves any man but accident--the accident of not having his malady put to the supreme test.
One of the commonest forms of madness is the desire to be noticed, the pleasure derived from being noticed. Perhaps it is not merely common, but universal.”
~ Mark Twain; The Memorable Assassination

2 commentaires:

  1. Peut-être ce lien publié par le National Geographic vous intéressera-t'il...si vous ne le connaissez déjà :)
    (Une invitation à réfléchir sur la croissance de la population mondiale et sur l'urgence d'établir un juste équilibre dans le partage des ressources).


  2. Merci! Vaut la peine d'être partagé...
