31 octobre 2010


Vieux courriel toujours drôle...

New Age Overload
(Author unknown)

Note : Désolée pour les personnes qui ne lisent pas l’anglais, mais cette parodie aurait perdu tout son brillant une fois traduite. Les lecteurs qui ont couru les thérapies alternatives ne manqueront pas d’apprécier.

I was having an out of body experience one day so I grounded myself and got centered with the help of my spirit guides and almost astral traveled anyway, but the phone rang.

I sensed the negative vibrations so I threw the I-Ching and checked my numerology chart and nearly had a primal, but my energy was too blocked, so I did some bioenergetics and self-parenting, took some flower essence and ate an organic oat bran ginseng muffin.

But my inner child wasn’t feeling nurtured yet so I had a Rice Dream Frozen Pie too, but that made me hyper so I did the relaxation response while listening to my subliminal tapes, but I was feeling depersonalized so I did some polarity work, foot reflexology and past life regression, then rebirthed myself and called Moon Beam, the bodyworker, to make an appointment for a Shiatsu, Reike, Rolfing, Feldenkreis, Swedish, Japanese deep tissue massage, but she flaked out and never returned my call.

So I decided to energize my crystals and do some positive imagery because all my visualization techniques and affirmations made my space feel invaded. So to get empowered, I got a psychic reading from Mother Heart Love around the issue of my assertiveness so I could feel my radiance and have some energy for my psycho-callisthenics and inversion swing before my harmonic brain-wave synergy session, which made me more focused for my actualization seminar, holistic healing class and dream workshop, so I’d be more clear for my Gestalt behavioural cognitive transpersonal Rechian Jungian Freudian Ericksonian session at the hot springs.

But my aura was weak for my trance-channelling group so I fasted until noon to recharge my chakras and I sensed my intuition was high and my cycle was focused, so I turned on my ion generator to open up for my Neural-linguistic programming session, but I needed to have my pyramid recharged before my guided synchronicity meditation.

So I got some cranio-sacral therapy, which aligned me for the fire walk, which was between my tarot card reading and my sensory deprivation tank appointment, but after all that I felt what I truly needed was a meaningful relationship to mirror myself. So I went to my personal shaman, and then to my guru, but they were no help, so instead I went to the Intensive Whole Life Earth Rebirth Cosmic Expo Symposium Workshop to find someone who really knew what was going on.

But that didn’t work either, so I locked myself in a calcium coated Orgone Box and went to sleep so I could “get it” in the dream state.

2 commentaires:

  1. Puis une douche froide suivie d'une petite promenade dans la nature et au grand air pour se réveiller...!

  2. Oh yes! C'est en effet la meilleure recette!
