17 août 2018

De nos jours, pouvoir faire confiance à quelqu’un est un miracle!

Parenthèse. Le député libéral de Marquette, M. François Ouimet, vient de découvrir cette vérité. Le premier ministre Philippe Couillard l’a informé de son congédiement à brûle pourpoint par personne interposée. Le député l’accuse d’avoir renié sa parole. En bon français on appelle ça une trahison. Le PLQ a choisi d'offrir le château fort libéral de Marquette à l'ex-joueur de hockey professionnel Enrico Ciccone. (?!) M. Couillard dit que sa décision est motivée par le besoin d’insuffler un vent de changement. Ça sent la «pizza all dressed» – en effet ça changera des soupers spaghetti de campagnes électorales. Fin.

Ce n’est pas drôle, mais il y a pire. Le Vatican (un État en bonne et due forme) est à mon avis coupable de haute trahison.

L’Inquisition inversée

Si nous vivions au temps de l’Inquisition, les prêtres qui ont fait l’objet d’une enquête sur les abus sexuels commis sur des enfants (Pennsylvania Grand Jury’s Report), périraient probablement sur le bûcher comme les hérétiques – de présumés compétiteurs qui provoquaient le courroux de l’Église catholique à l’époque.
   Un jour l’Église niera sans doute sa participation à l’Inquisition et accusera les athées d’avoir perpétré ces crimes. Un pasteur américain disait récemment que Dieu incendiait la Californie à cause des homosexuels... Toutes les religions traditionnelles ont persécuté, et persécutent encore, les gens qui osent rejeter leurs fabulations tirées de livres prétendument écrits par Dieu et qu’elles appellent des dogmes. N’oublions pas que les «Dieu» uniques sont innombrables.

La parole de Dieu, irrévocable, infaillible à tout jamais – Édition révisée [!]

Dogme : point de doctrine considéré comme une vérité fondamentale et incontestable dans une religion, une secte, etc.
   Dans son ouvrage La Cité antique, Fustel de Coulanges (1830-1889) mettait en lumière les rapports entre la propriété et les institutions politico-religieuses. «Les anciens ne connaissaient ni la liberté de la vie privée, ni la liberté de l’éducation, ni la liberté religieuse. La personne humaine comptait pour bien peu de chose vis-à-vis des autorités presque divines de l’Église et de l’État.» Une croyance est l’œuvre de notre esprit. Elle est humaine et nous la croyons Dieu, écrivait-il aussi.

In God we [don’t] trust!

Cela dit, le rapport sur ces 300 prêtres catholiques de la Pennsylvanie qui ont agressé au moins 1000 enfants ne serait que la pointe de l’iceberg. Vous trouverez sur le site NPR * le compte rendu complet qui inclut des copies de correspondance officielle, les noms des agresseurs reconnus et de ceux qui les ont couverts, diocèse par diocèse. En ce qui concerne les abus sexuels on nage dans la pornographie pédophile. Les croyants dans le déni disent : «ah, mais des pédophiles il y en a dans toutes les couches de la société!» C’est vrai. Cependant, ces hommes n’enseignent pas la morale, la vertu et le respect d’autrui, ils ne jouissent pas de l'impunité, et quand ils se font pincer on les incarcère en prison ou en asile psychiatrique. Voilà la différence.
   J’ai passé plus de deux heures à éplucher ce rapport abominable. L’auteur du site Friendly Atheist a publié quelques-uns des pires profils, car il regrettait que les médias n’aient pas fourni d’exemples concrets – je suis entièrement d’accord et je me fais un devoir de partager sa compilation (1). Et comme il le dit, en consultant ce rapport qui ne concerne qu’un seul état, on se demande à quoi ressemblerait un rapport couvrant tout le pays, voire le monde entier. Au Canada, les institutions religieuses catholiques et protestantes ont longtemps caché les abus sexuels commis dans les orphelinats pour enfants «illégitimes» et les pensionnats autochtones. Comment les victimes peuvent-elles vivre avec ces traumatismes, avec ces atteintes à l’intégrité et aux droits humains? C’est facile de dire qu’il faut passer à autre chose...

* National Public Radio (NPR)

«Qu’y a-t-il de mal à susciter une aversion intense envers la religion, si les activités de cette religion sont tellement scandaleuses, irrationnelles ou à l’encontre des droits humains qu'elles méritent d'être intensément détestées?» ~ Rowan Atkinson

Extraits du rapport.


We, the members of this grand jury, need you to hear this. We know some of you have heard some of it before. There have been reports about child sex abuse within Catholic Church. But never on this scale. For many of us, those earlier stories happened someplace else, someplace away. Now we know the truth: it happened everywhere.
   We were given the job of investigating child abuse in six dioceses – every diocese in the state except Philadelphia and Altoona-Johnston, which were the subject of previous grand juries. The six dioceses account for 54 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. We heard the testimony of dozens of witnesses concerning clergy sex abuse. We subpoenaed, and reviewed, half a million pages of internal diocesan documents. They contained credible allegations against over three hundred predator priests. Over one thousand child victims were identifiable, from the church’s own records. We believe that the real number – of children whose records were lost, or who were afraid to come forward – is in the thousands.
   Most of the victims were boys; but there were girls too. Some were teens; many were pubescent. Some were manipulated with alcohol or pornography. Some were made to masturbate their assailants, or were groped by them. Some were raped orally, some vaginally, some anally. But all of them were brushed aside, in every part of the state, by church leaders who preferred to protect the abusers and their institution above all.
   As a consequence of the coverup, almost every instance of abuse we found is too old to be prosecuted. But that is not to say there are no more predators. [...] And there may be more indictments in the future; investigation continues.
   But we are not satisfied by the few charges we can bring, which represent only a tiny percentage of all the child abusers we saw. We are sick over all that will go unpunished and uncompensated. This report is our only recourse. We are going to name their names, and describe what they did – both the sex offenders and those who concealed them. We are going to shine a light on their conduct, because that is what the victims deserve. And we are going to make our recommendations for how the laws should changed so that maybe no one will have to conduct another inquiry like this one. We hereby exercise our historical and statutory right as grand jurors to inform the public of the findings. [...]  
   A priest in the Diocese of Harrisburg abused five sisters in a single family, despite prior reports that were never acted on. In addition to sex acts, the priest collected samples of the girls’ urine, pubic hair, and menstrual blood. Eventually, his house was searched and his collection was found. Without that kind of incontrovertible evidence, apparently the diocese remained unwilling to err on the side of children even in the face of multiple reports of abuse. As a high-ranking official said about one suspect priest: “At this point we are at impasse – allegations and no admission.” Years later, the abuser did admit what he had done, but then it was too late.
   Elsewhere we saw the same sort of disturbing disdain for victims. [...] A priest raped a girl, got her pregnant, and arranged an abortion. The bishop expressed his feelings in a letter: “This is a very difficult time in your life, and I realize how upset you are. I too share your grief.” But the letter was not for the girl. I was addressed to the rapist. [...]
   We know that child abuse in the church has not yet disappeared, because we are charging two priests, in two different dioceses, with crimes that fall within the statute of limitations. One of the priests ejaculated in the mouth of a seven-year-old. The other assaulted two different boys, on a monthly basis, for a period of years that ended only in 2010.
   And we know there might be many additional recent victims, who have not yet developed the resources to come forward either to police or to the church. As we have learned from experiences of the victims, it takes time. We hope this report will encourage others to speak.
   What we can say, though, is that some institutional reform, individual leaders of the church have largely escaped public accountability. Priests were raping little boys and girls, and the men of God who were responsible for them not only did nothing; they hid it all. For decades. Monsignors, auxiliary bishops, bishops, archbishops, cardinals have mostly been protected; many including some named in this report, have been reported. Until that changes, we think it is too early to close the book on the Catholic Church sex scandal.


Grand jurors are just regular people who are randomly selected for service. We don’t get paid much, the hours are bad, and the work can be heartbreaking. What makes it worthwhile is knowing we can do some kind of justice. We spent 24 months dredging up the most depraved behavior, only to find the laws protect most of its perpetrators, and leave its victims with nothing. We say laws that do that need to change. [...]


This final section of the report is possibly the most important. It contains profiles of more than 300 clergy members, from all six dioceses we investigated. By comparison, estimates of the number of abusive priests identified since 2002 in the Boston, Massachusetts archdiocese range from about 150 to 250. The 2005 Philadelphia archdiocese grand jury report identified over 60 priests. The 2016 Altoona-Johnstown report named 50 abusers. We believe ours is the largest grand jury of its kind to date.
   Each of the profile is a summary of the abuse allegations against individual priests and of the church’s response over time to those allegations. In many cases, we also received testimony from the victims. And, on over a dozen occasions, the priests themselves appeared before us. Most of them admitted what they had done.
   Even out of these of odious stories, some stand out. There was a priest, for example, who raped a seven-year-old girl – while he was visiting her in the hospital after she’d had her tonsils out. Or the priest who made a nine-year-old give him oral sex, then rinsed out the boy’s mouth with holy water to purify him. Or the boy who drank some juice at the priest’s house, and woke up the next morning bleeding from his rectum, unable to remember anything from the night before. Or the priest, a registered psychologist, who “treated” a young parishioner with depression by attempting to hypnotize her and directing her to take off her clothes, piece by piece.
   One priest was willing to admit to molesting boys, but denied reports from two girls who had been abused; “they don’t have a penis,” he explained. Another priest, asked about abusing his parishioners, refused to commit: “with my history,” he said, “anything is possible.” Yet another priest finally decided to quit after years of child abuse complaints, but asked for, and received, a letter of reference for his next job – at Walt Disney World. [...]  

(1) Here Are the Worst Abuses by Catholic Priests from the PA Grand Jury’s Report, by Hemant Mehta | August 15, 2018

[...] When you read this report and realize it’s just one group of priests in one state, you have to wonder what the stories would look like if a similar document was produced across the country, if not the world. So brace yourself.
   Here’s a running list of some of the more egregious things you’ll find in the report. It’s not everything. It’s not even everything for these priests. It’s just the stuff that will make your eyes permanently widen. The hope is that by highlighting these stories, people will realize the horrors covered up by the Catholic Church.
   Maybe they’ll think twice before ever attending another Mass or donating any of their money to a Catholic school.

Soutenez votre pédophile local. Fréquentez une église catholique.

Father William Presley abused three victims, one as young as 13, with “choking, slapping, punching, rape, sodomy, fellatio, anal intercourse,” and more.
Father Edmond Parrakow admitted to molesting “approximately thirty-five male children” because sex with girls was “sinful” and raping boys didn’t violate them. One altar boy said Parrakow told them to go naked under their cassocks during Mass because God didn’t want “man-made clothes” touching their skin during services. Parrakow now works in a shopping mall.
  Father Raymond Lukac “married” a victim the moment she turned 18 by forging the head pastor’s signature on a fake marriage certificate. He eventually married her for real, had a child with her (impregnating her when she was 17), then got a divorce. He stayed in the ministry after being taken in by a “benevolent bishop.”
Father Robert Moslener taught middle school kids how to give blowjobs by telling them Mary had to “bite off the cord” and “lick” Jesus clean when he was born.
Father Augustine Giella abused five girls in the same family. Among other things, he collected their urine, pubic hair, and menstrual blood in a device attached to his toilet… then he ingested some of it. All of this happened after he worked at a Catholic high school and had been accused of telling a student he wanted to watch her go to the bathroom.
Father Arthur Long tried having sex with a 17-year-old at a high school he worked at by saying God wanted them to express love for each other that way. When she said God would punish them, he told her, “there is no Hell.”
Father George Zirwas was part of a predatory priest “ring” that “shared intelligence” on victims and exchanged them with each other. They “manufactured child pornography” on church property, using “whips, violence and sadism in raping their victims.”
Father Richard Zula asked three altar boys to “pose like statues” and tried to tie them up with rope. Zula also used whips and leather straps on a victim after tying up the person’s hands.
Father Robert N. Caparelli raped several boys as young as 10. He was eventually put in prison, where it was discovered he “had been HIV-positive for years.”
Monsignor Thomas J. Benestad forced a nine-year-old boy to give him a blowjob, then washed his mouth out with holy water “to purify him.”
Reverend David Connell served a high school boy juice. The boy later woke up with no memory of what happened, but there was “bleeding from his rectum.”
Reverend Edward George Ganster once dragged a child across a room by his underwear and beat him with a metal cross. He eventually quit the priesthood… but not before receiving a letter of recommendation for his new job… at Walt Disney World.
Father Richard J. Guiliani began abusing one girl when she was 14, forcing her to masturbate him and blow him. When she turned 18, he visited her and asked for sex and her hand in marriage. (She declined both.)
Reverend Henry Paul is the reason one little girl told her mother she knew how to “French kiss.”
Reverend Gerald Royer once molested a 12-year-old boy. The boy’s friend didn’t believe it… until, hidden in a closet, he witnessed the abuse himself. The victim, now 83, fought in wars, yet because of what Royer did, he could never hug or kiss his own children, who were boys. He can’t shake hands with men to this day. He can’t even see male doctors or dentists.
Reverend Michael G. Barletta was known to take pictures in a boys’ locker room and maintained a book of “crotch shots.”
Father Robert E. Hannon had several male victims, but his diocese dismissed allegations from one girl after Hannon denied it. His argument? He wouldn’t have done it because girls “do not have a penis.”
Father Gerard Krebs, a teacher at a Catholic high school, was asked for advice by a student whose girlfriend was pregnant. Krebs conducted a prostate exam to see if the boy was “capable of impregnating a woman.” Another victim said Krebs guided him through “sexual rituals” to “prove my faith and the fact that I was not a homosexual.”
Monsignor Daniel Martin and other priests in the seminary had a “fierce competition,” one victim said, to molest boys who didn’t have fathers or had bad relationships with them.
Brother Edmundus Murphy encouraged a victim to join their Catholic school’s wrestling team and taught him different moves, naked, because that’s what “the ancient Greeks and Romans did.” During those practices, Murphy sodomized the victim.
Father Gregory Flohr took a victim into the confessional and tied him up with rope. When the victim screamed, Flohr shut him up by shoving his penis in the victim’s mouth. When the victim would accept it, Flohr sodomized him with a crucifix and called him a “bad boy.”
Father Charles B. Guth fondled a boy and stuck his finger up the child’s ass. Then he said to the boy that if their secret ever got out, the child and his mother would both burn in hell. Then he gave the boy a nickel.
Father Francis Lesniak told a victim that if he confessed his sins and wasn’t too bad, he’d “get to suck on a strawberry lollipop or popsicle.” After these confessions, which happened multiple times, Lesniak would whip his dick out and say it was a strawberry lollipop.
Father Henry J. Marcinek is the reason one victim said as an adult, “I don’t remember the last time I laughed.” That same victim later confessed that “I peed in [Marcinek’s] mouth, because he used to cum in mine” and that he felt like he was “fricking prostituting himself” at the age of 12 or 13.
Father Roger J. Trott anally raped a 21-year-old man with Down Syndrome, after which the victim was reportedly hospitalized for “surgery for a blockage of the lower bowel.”
Reverend Francis A. Bach had so many victims, then when his diocese confronted him about a particular allegation, he said he didn’t remember it, but responded, “With my history, anything is possible.”
Reverend James Beeman raped a seven-year-old in the hospital just after she had “had her tonsils removed.” He raped her again when she was 19 and pregnant.
Reverend George Koychick inappropriately touched several little girls. When confronted about it by his diocese, he admitted it, adding, “it was when I was going through a touchy/feely time in my life.”
Reverend Guy Marsico admitted to molesting several boys and confessing his sins to another priest. The advice was never to call police or turn himself in. Instead, he was told to “Pray about it and try to get away from it.” Then, when it happened again, he’d receive the same advice.
Reverend Patrick Shannon molested a 16-year-old boy during a camping trip. When the boy resisted, Shannon replied, “Sometime [sic] we say no when we really mean yes.”
Reverend Timothy Sperber sexually abused a girl no older than 10. When she told the principal of their Catholic school that Sperber “touched her in weird ways,” the principal called her a “demon-child” for making those “terrible accusations.”
Reverend Frederick Vaughn abused an 11-year-old girl, wrestling with her on the floor at her family’s home when her father wasn’t around. One time, when she resisted, he said, “I like a fighter.”
Reverend Leo Burchianti once entered a bathroom with an underage boy and put his hands down the boy’s shorts. When the boy told Burchianti to stop tickling him, the response was, “I’m not trying to tickle you, I’m trying to grab for something.”
Reverend Anthony J. Cipolla took a 9-year-old boy to his rectory bedroom, told the child to take off his clothes, then squeezed his penis a total of 70 times before sticking a finger into his rectum. Later, even though his mother wanted to file criminal charges, she dropped them because “she was threatened and harassed by church officials” and told that she should “let the church handle it.”
Reverend David F. Dzermejko fondled a young boy on a Ferris wheel during a church festival. The boy couldn’t get off the ride because Dzermejko told the operator “to keep the ride going three times longer than it should have.”
Reverend Bernard J. Kaczmarczyk went into the shower with a 12-year-old boy under the pretext that he needed to make sure the child was “showering properly.”
Reverend Anujit Kumar kissed an underage girl with his tongue and sucked her lips. When Church officials asked him about it, he said he was just trying to “recruit her for the convent.”
[Redacted] molested a child for years. When the victim turned 15 or 16, he asked the priest to stop and threatened to go public with what had happened. The priest “grabbed him by the throat and threatened to kill him if he told anyone.” He also threatened to tell the victim’s parents he was gay.
Monsignor Raymond T. Schultz masturbated in front of a student at their Catholic school. Afterwards, Schultz would give the kid a handkerchief to wipe the semen off his face. To this day, the victim said, he goes from “sad to angry” whenever he sees a white handkerchief.
Father Robert E. Spangenberg molested an underage boy several times. He also paid the victim a “finder’s fee” if he could find other young “chickens” for Spangenberg to have sex with.
Reverend Paul G. Spisak supposedly took pictures with underage boys in which their swim trunks were down to their ankles. His staff says they saw the pictures… until they disappeared. Spisak may have destroyed the images. A couple of years ago, however, he was arrested for a camera he placed in a mall bathroom. At first he denied it. Then he said he was sick, ran inside a stall, and flushed the memory card down the toilet.
Reverend Anthony P. Conmy molested a 10-year-old girl after dropping her friend off at home. He grabbed her wrists, put his hand over her mouth, put his knee in her stomach to hold her down, then said he wouldn’t kill her if she “would lie quietly.”
Reverend P. Lawrence Homer told a 14-year-old girl she had the body of an 18-year-old woman. He also commented on her “sex hair.”

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