19 février 2018

«Blood money»

L’étudiant Cameron Kasky (un survivant de la fusillade, FL) disait au journaliste de CNN : «Les seuls qui ne se soucient pas des 17 personnes dont le cœur a été troué par balle sont ceux qui font les lois.» Une journaliste lui demandait : «Mais si les sénateurs refusent l’argent de la NRA, comment vont-ils financer leurs campagnes? Et vous, que pouvez-vous faire?» Question stupide à laquelle il a répondu : «Bien sûr, nous sommes des étudiants, nous n’avons ni emploi ni argent. Mais ‘l’argent du sang’ (blood money) n’est pas l’unique source de financement disponible.»

Les étudiants planifient donc des marches à Washington D.C. (et autres villes) jusqu’à ce qu’une loi sur le contrôle des armes à feu soit adoptée. Ce n’est pas une mince tâche, mais ils sont courageux et déterminés parce que je crois qu’ils sont réellement écoeurés. En effet, comment vivre avec la crainte perpétuelle de se faire tuer n’importe où et n’importe quand dans des lieux publics ou par son voisin? c’est insupportable.

Students hold gut-wrenching protest at White House while Trump golfs
Eric Boehlert | February 19, 2018

Students nationwide are sending a loud message: They want gun control now.
While Trump was playing golf for the 93rd time as president on Monday, students from the Washington, D.C., area were staging a lie-in front of the White House to demand immediate action on gun control legislation.

And A Child Shall Lead Them
Linda Sharp  
Monday, February 19, 2018

[...] The occurrence is not the surprise. It's just a sad, tragic, blood soaked lottery that our children are entered into against their will and nobody wants to win.
   It's become our Hunger Games. Or perhaps SHAMES is a better word.
   We have watched in horror as this scenario is played out again and again. Shock, blood, vigils, funerals. Parents shoved into the nightmare of child-death from which they will never awaken. Thoughts and prayers the impotent, bullshit extended by politicians who truly could not care less if they tried. And the admonition from them, their gun fetish constituents, and their NRA cash overlords, that it is “too soon” to talk about gun regulation.
   And so a headline comes, the above takes place, the headline fades, the media moves on, and we wait to see who wins the next Powerfall.
   Yet this time, something very different is taking place. Something amazing, heartening, and shameful all at once.
   The children who were there are refusing to let this fade. The survivors, the friends of the dead - the ones who had to walk through the blood and past their fallen classmates - are saying to the politicians, to the world, “NO, YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH IT THIS TIME.”  And, “It is not TOO SOON, it is TOO LATE!”
   Listening to how articulate these students are, how fed up they are with the fear all students feel these days, and how angry they are no one in charge gives a damn about protecting them? I am humbled. I am also filled with shame. Shame because we adults have systematically, right down the line, failed them over and over and over. [...]
   So our children, still in shock, suffering PTSD, recovering from wounds are now pushing us aside. They now know, beyond any doubt, that they must be the ones they have been waiting for.
   Marches have already been planned. Nationwide walk outs are being coordinated at schools across the land. And most impressively, these kids are calling literal BULLSHIT on Trump. Kids are doing what leaders are afraid to do. They are standing tall, taking to the media, staring directly into the cameras and saying without blinking or stuttering:  THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES.

Si Donald Trump veut protéger les Américains contre les terroristes étrangers, il devra déporter ses propres terroristes américains «pure laine».

Why “they” seem more violent than “we” are

Between 54 and 63 percent of the mass shootings since 1982 were committed by white men. A hypothetical outside threat is seen as far more deadly than a very real internal one. How do we account for these seemingly contradictory impulses? [...]
   With regard to safety and security, demonizing refugees, Muslims, Mexicans and so on does the important work of seeming to take action while leaving the existing order (and the incredible profits of gun manufacturers) intact. In a world that can undoubtedly feel like a scary place, we might want to believe that our biggest threats come from without. That they might already be walking among us is apparently too much to swallow.

Saviez-vous que le deuxième amendement avait été ratifié en 1788 pour préserver l’esclavage?

The Second Amendment was ratified to preserve slavery

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State [emphasis mine], the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." (Madison)

Little did Madison realize that one day in the future weapons-manufacturing corporations, newly defined as “persons” by a Supreme Court some have called dysfunctional, would use his slave patrol militia amendment to protect their “right” to manufacture and sell assault weapons used to murder schoolchildren.

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