Hier, un journaliste disait que sa fille, après avoir a vu le documentaire Food Inc., avait cessé de manger de la viande le lendemain et n’y avait pas retouché depuis un an. Je crois que c’est l’ignorance de ce qui se passe en coulisses qui fait en sorte que ces barbaries se perpétuent. http://www.takepart.com/foodinc
THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE met en lumière les vies de divers animaux rescapés, ou vivant encore le cauchemar «mécanique» de notre monde moderne. À travers les lentilles de la célèbre photographe animalier Jo-Anne McArthur, le spectateur se familiarise avec une pléiade de «personnages» animaux non-humains.
Le film présente les voyages et rencontres de la photographe qui passa une année complète à documenter diverses histoires animales au Canada, aux États-Unis et dans quelques pays européens. Chacune de ces histoires est une fenêtre sur les industries qui exploitent les animaux : alimentation, divertissement, mode, recherche pharmaceutique, etc. Faisant partie intégrante du volumineux projet-photo We Animals www.weanimals.org , déjà dans sa quinzième année d’existence, l’œuvre de Jo-Anne McArthur respire l’empathie sans perdre de son professionnalisme.
Les animaux sont-ils de simples marchandises assujettis à l’Homme ou est-il temps pour l’humanité de revoir ses positions face à des êtres sensibles partageant notre planète?
«Impliquant et touchant, “The Ghosts in Our Machine” est un travail documentaire solide et captivant sur l’amour que porte Jo-Anne McArthur aux animaux. Le film peut interpeller aussi bien les militants des droits des animaux que les simples amoureux de ceux-ci.» ~ KIRK HAVILAND, EXAMINER.COM
«Le documentaire de Liz Marshall sur la photographe Jo-Anne McArthur, qui a pour mission de documenter la guerre invisible face au monde animal, est une puissante charge contre les abus de l’Homme envers les animaux… un exemple superbe de cinéma engagé.» ~ SUSAN G. COLE, NOW MAGAZINE
«Il est impossible pour quiconque, après le visionnement de ce film, de ne pas remettre en question sa vision des animaux.» ~ MELISSA SILVERSTEIN, INDIEWIRE
À l’affiche 5 jours à compter du 29 septembre :
Site de production et achat en ligne : Ghosts Media Inc. was set up by us, Liz Marshall and Nina Beveridge, to produce the award-winning cross-platform documentary THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE. We are based in Toronto Canada. http://www.theghostsinourmachine.com/
With the exception of our companion animals and a few wild and stray species within our urban environments, we experience animals daily as the food, clothing, animal tested goods and entertainment we make of them.
This moral dilemma is often hidden from our view.
THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE illuminates the lives of individual animals living within and rescued from the machine of our modern world. Through the heart and photographic lens of acclaimed animal photographer Jo-Anne McArthur, we become intimately familiar with a cast of non-human animals. The film follows McArthur over the course of a year as she photographs several animal stories in parts of Canada, the U.S. and in Europe. Each story and photograph is a window into global animal industries: Research; Food; Fashion and Entertainment. The question is posed: Are non-human animals property to be owned and used, or are they sentient beings deserving of rights?

About Jo-Anne McArthur
My mother once told me to figure out what I love doing best, and then find a way to make a living doing it.
I’ve been working as a documentary photographer since 2000. My love of travel, curiosity about people, animals and different cultures has lead me to over 40 countries on all 7 continents. A Magnum Photos internship, as well as the mentorship of amazing photographers such as Larry Towell, David Trattles, John Makinson and Lorraine Gilbert, have all helped to shape the path I‘m travelling. Though I shoot portrait, editorial, food and event photography in my home town of Toronto, Canada, I also spend 5 to 6 months of each year abroad working on documentary stories such as We Animals.

“My documentary work with animals attempts to cover a lot of ground but ultimately, it’s about illuminating the lives of individuals and sharing their personal stories. While we filmed The Ghosts in Our Machine, we met some animals who lived in sheds by the thousands, like at the mink farms. But we also met individuals whom I’ve often recalled and some whom I’ve had the great pleasure of seeing again.”
World Day for Farmed Animals
Every year on or around October 2nd, animal activists across the globe join in solidarity to express their opposition to the exploitation and killing of billions of cows, pigs, chickens, fish and other animals raised for food. Most of these animals are raised on factory farms, where they are confined, mutilated, and bred to grow so large, so quickly, that many of them literally suffer to death. Even animals raised on small family farms endure many of these abuses, and all animals raised for food face a gruesome slaughter. http://www.10billionlives.com/

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